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 Akihiko Clan

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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyMon Jun 24, 2013 5:54 pm

Name of Clan: Akihiko

Coat of Arms: A red diamond that all member wear on their forehead.

Custom or Canon? Custom

Country/Village of Origin: Hi no Kuni/No village

Residing Country/Village: Hi no Kuni

Alliance: Negative with all countries and villages.

Clan History: There was once a fierce Shinobi who longed for nothing but battle. He was said to possess stronger fire jutsu than even the Uchiha clan. He belonged to no village, instead he roamed the lands, looking for war. When he stumbled upon a battle field, he joined no sides, instead jumping into the middle of the carnage and fighting both ends. Both sides were always utterly destroyed, with only the Bloodthirsty shinobi in the middle.

This shinobi eventually met his match when he was encountered by a Kirigakure shinobi, who's water ninjutsu out classed his fire ninjutsu. The battle started near Kirigakure, but ended with a catastrophic climax in Hi no Kuni. The Fire weilding shinobi fell, but not before having created a large artificial volcano with his power.

It is said his spirit was trapped in the volcano, where it was coated in fire and magma until the first Akihiko was born. This Akihiko carried the same bloodthirsty nature, and became a feared entity, burning travellers to ashes that passed by. Eventually, the fire that the original Akihiko created turned into new Akihiko members, and they came to be feared as Fire Demons. 

The Akihiko's numbers grew to the point where they created a council, where the Eldest member decided the clans' actions. The First Akihiko Elder declared that they would spread fire across the world, making it inhabitable by only Akihiko. They attempted small attacks on all the villages, causing minimal to no casualties and damage, but when they attacked Kirigakure, they were matched by their weakness. The Akihiko discovered their bodies were unable to stand up to water. 

Water not only sapped away all their power, but also caused instense pain and even death. The many water-natured Shinobi of Kirigakure easily wiped away two thirds of the clan. The clan retreated back to their volcano, but faced with this large defeat, half of the remaining Akihiko attempted to remove the Elder of his power. The Elder killed the rebelling members, and created a seal on all the remaining clansmen, where if they ever left the clan, an "X" would be inserted into their name and their surname would be changed to Oro, as they were to be seen as nothing the traitorous snakes.

The Akihiko are small in number now with a new Elder. The members who have left wish to start a new age of Akihiko that can get along with the powerful nations and villages, and look up to Vaxn Oro as their leader.

Clan Leader 

Exiled Member Leader
-Vaxn Oro

Current Members
Exiled Members

Member Positions: 
1 Elder (Must be older than 50)
4 Assassins (Must be Missing Nin)
5 Exiled Members (Must belong to a village)

Elemental Affinity(s): Katon

Kekkei Genkei
The Akihiko are made of fire. Their skin is hot to the touch and can burn anyone who touches them for more than a couple seconds. Any hair they may have is actually a raging fire, having the properties of a flame but can be put into any style. Their skin also glows as bright as a torch, making them able to navigate and be seen in the dark. Their hot bodies will evaporate small amounts of water such as rain drops, but any amount of water will induce a sharp stinging pain, which can become unbearable. If they were to fall in water, their body would enter a "doused" state where their body would turn a light purple color and their flaming hair would become purple hair with the same properties as a normal human. Their skin would become a normal temperature as all their chakra would be sent to their heart to keep them alive, making it impossible to use ninjutsu while doused. Their bodies are also able to digest any solid food, but would burn to a crisp in their mouths, leaving a terrible taste. Therefore, the Akihiko tend to eat raw meat, which cooks in their mouth as they eat it. Drinking a liquid is possible yet painful, but comsuming oil can give them a boost of energy, like an energy drink to a human. But it doesn't taste good to them. 
The Akihiko's main strength is their mastery of Fire ninjutsu, able to master Fire natured techniques in half the time and making all fire ninjutsu take half the normal amount of chakra. Their bodies are also immune to all fire techniques B-Rank and lower. 

Exclusive Techniques:

Name: Flame Starter Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Katon
Range: Mid Range
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Defensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: Tiger Seal, Horse Seal
Description: After performing seals, the Akihiko can raise their hands in up in the direction they want to raise a wall of fire that will keep their opponent from rushing at them. They can also do this to set fire to the surrounding area creating a hot, smoky area that will make it harder to breathe for the opponent.
Drawbacks: It isn't an intense fire at first, so fire walls can easily be breached by normal low class ninja tools like shuriken and kunai. Also will not do anything but slightly burn an opponent who runs through it.

Name: Flamification Technique
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Range: None
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Defensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: None
A fire based equivalent to the Hozuki clan's Hydrification Technique, yet not nearly as strong. The Akihiko can transform into fire at will and move across areas looking like a flaming trail of fire at high speeds, but unlike the Hozuki who can take physical attacks by turning into water, the Akihiko still take damage, whether they turn into fire at all. The technique is not very useful for means either than travelling at a faster speed, or evading and escaping. All Akihiko are born able to use this technique, as they are essentially being made from fire.
Drawbacks: Makes the Akihiko extremely susceptible to the water element.

Name: Fire Gun Technique
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Range: Mid-range
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Offensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: None
Description: The Fire equivalent to the Hozuki clan's Water Gun technique. The Akihiko uses their hand and mimics a gun and builds up fire into their index finger, the shoots it out with the speed of a bullet. Unlike the piercing effect of the Water Gun Technique, the Fire Gun Technique has a shrapnel effect, blasting little fireballs like a shotgun.
Drawbacks: Only as effective as the user's aim. Completely useless against water techniques.

Name: Flamethrower Technique
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Range: Mid-range
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Offensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: Horse Seal
Description: After performing the seal, the Akihiko holds out both their arms together, sending an intense stream of fire out in the direction their arms face.
Drawbacks: Very difficult to control the movement and can easily burn allies if not careful. Useless against Water techniques.

Name: Scatter Ball Technique
Rank: A
Element: Fire 
Range: Mid-range
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Offensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: Horse Seal
Description: The Akihiko breathes out a huge fireball that hovers high into the sky, then breaks into a hundred smaller fireballs that surround the target. The Akihiko then hold out their palm and closes it, sending all the fireballs into the target.
Drawbacks: The fireballs only shoot into the area where the opponent was when they surrounded them. If the opponent moves from that spot, they will not be damaged.

Name: Flame Sword Technique
Rank: A
Element: Fire
Range: Close-Range
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Offensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: None
Description: The Akihiko clan's signature technique. Concentrating all their chakra into their arm, an isolated flame extending from their arm emerges, so intense that it glows blue. The fire can cut through the thickest steel like butter, and some Akihiko have been skilled enough to produce two, one in each arm.
Drawbacks: This technique transfers all the Akihiko's chakra into their arm, leaving their body in a "doused" state, despite not having come into contact with water. As a result, the Akihiko can take normal damage from water techniques, but at the cost of being unable to use any other technique than the flame sword.

Name: Flame Sense
Rank: D
Element: Fire
Range: Close Range
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-type: Offensive & Defensive
Notation: Clan Jutsu
Handsigns: Tiger Seal
Description: The AKihiko raises the temparature of the area around them, and uses the heat waves to sense their surroundings.
Drawbacks:Very small sensing radius and no where near as practical as a sensory shinobi's sensing abilities.

Additional Information: Any additional information you wish to add.

Last edited by Vaxn on Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:01 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyMon Jun 24, 2013 8:44 pm

can you plz put your text in a bright color?
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 1:23 am

Yeah sure. I have no clue why its doing this.
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 1:25 am

...I give up. I'm to tired to deal with this right now. I'll try again tomorrow.
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 9:51 am

I'll help......use font color white.
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 9:57 am

this looks good so far. Are you going to make any special jutsu for them? Also...if Vaxn is the leader of the exiled group, shouldn't there be a leader of the non-exiled group or how does that work?
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 2:42 pm

The Leader of the non-exiled group will be the Elder. Basically up for grabs. And I'm working on the jutsu right now. (Also, WHY WAS THE TEXT NOT WHITE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! ;__; )
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 5:02 pm

Phew finished. Ready to face judgement.
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Nakago Yaiba

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Fighting Styles: Ninjutsu Master, Fuinjutsu Master, Taijutsu Master, Iryojutsu Master

Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 11:11 pm

Flame Starter Jutsu - How big can the wall go What are the absolute limits on it?

I also want an actual range on all of the jutsu.
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Ryuji Shinetsu
Ryuji Shinetsu

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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 4:41 am

Please specify a speed on the techniques as well, like the flamification technique.
Any other techniques which are shot ect require a speed as well please
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 3:24 pm

Eek I'm terrible with measurements. I'll try my best
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Akihiko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akihiko Clan   Akihiko Clan Empty

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